Lesson 3

Table of Contents

Building the Playlist Structure

Now you need to add the new bridge segments into the Combat Music Playlist Container’s playlist. The structure will be slightly different from the Explore music because of the difference in how the main theme is now constructed by combining the Combat-A and Combat-B music.

  1. Select the Combat Music Playlist Container and create a new Group.

  2. Drag Combat-A and Combat-B into the new Group.

  3. Select the first Group, then create another Group and set it to Random Step.

  4. Drag the Combat-Bridge Music Segment to the new Group you just created.

  5. Select the Random Step Group you just created and create another Group.

  6. Into the new Group, drag the Combat-TransToBridge and Combat-Bridge Music Segments in that order.

    Now you have the basic structure. The main theme that is comprised of the Combat-A and Combat-B sections should be set to play 1 to 3 times before moving to the bridge section. Use the randomizer feature on that Group’s Loop Count as you did with the Explore music.

  7. Set the Loop Count to 2 and then, using the Randomizer icon, configure the Min and Max values so that the group plays 1 to 3 times.

  8. Play the Combat Music Playlist Container to test your work.

  9. Generate the SoundBank and play Cube.

    You can hear the immense amount of variety that re-sequencing and re-orchestration can provide when used together. It multiplies the musical possibilities and often leaves you with great results that even the composer may not have explored!

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