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Although the woosh sound is playing at a slightly higher pitch, you need to separate it from the sound of the magical recharge. This is accomplished using the Source Editor.
Make sure the Gem_Recharge_Woosh SFX object is still selected and then in the Contents Editor, double-click the audio source icon for the Gem_Recharge audio file.
The Source Editor opens.
The Source Editor provides a way to look at details related to the source audio generator. Wwise provides several methods of generating sound including tone generators and the specialized SoundSeed synthesizers. Clicking the Source Editor when these tools are being used displays the interface for these particular generators. In this case, since the source audio generator is an audio file, a waveform view of the audio signal is shown. This display also serves as a simple waveform editor, which lets you adjust where playback starts and ends.
For the woosh, you’re going to end playback at an earlier time in the audio file. You can easily do this by dragging the Trim End control to the position where you want the sound to stop.
Drag the Trim End control to the end of the woosh part of waveform.
This change to the end position only occurs when the audio file is played from the Gem_Recharge_Woosh sound object and doesn’t change the way you heard the Gem_Recharge_Magic object. In summary, the Sound SFX object may use the same source audio file, but each can have a unique start time, providing differentiation between the objects.
Play the Gem_Recharge_Woosh object to hear the difference, then close the Source Editor window.
You'll now do a similar edit for the Gem_Recharge_Magic Sound SFX object, but instead adjust the Trim Start position to occur just before the magical recharge chime.
While leaving the Source Editor open, select the Gem_Recharge_Magic object in the Project Explorer.
You see the Source Editor updates and shows that the entire audio file will be played.
Now you need to isolate the sound of the magical recharge chime.
Drag the Trim Start control to just before the magic chime.
Play the Gem_Recharge_Magic object to hear that it only play the magical recharge chime.