Table of Contents
Choose Layouts > SoundBank or press F7.
In the SoundBank Manger, select the Main SoundBank. Then drag the Teleporter Event from the Event Viewer to the SoundBank Editor's Add tab.
Click Generate Selected to create your SoundBank.
Launch and play Cube and be sure to move towards the teleporter.
As you listen to your work in Cube, notice how the settings you configured affect the sounds in game play. While you've learned the technical side of creating a sense of space in a game, the art of making this really work for a game is all in the details. Getting the attenuation curves and pan positions just right can take a bit of time, but it's worth it! Move closer and further away from the teleporter to see how distance attenuation changes the sound, listen to how the teleporter's droning sound changes as it rotates. Fire the ice gem and listen for the position of the gem drops as well as the woosh and magical gem recharge. Try going back into Wwise, make further adjustments, and regenerate the SoundBank until the result is exactly what you want.