Lesson 1

Table of Contents

Applying an Action

Earlier, you created the Event object that catches the Game Call transmitted from the game engine, and you’ve just created the Sound SFX object that contains the audio file you want to hear when that Event is received. Now you are ready to connect these two objects together. This is accomplished via Actions that are created in a selected Event’s Event Editor.

Earlier, you worked with the Event Property Editor when you created the Fire_IceGem_Player event within the Events tab of the Project Explorer. Although not currently in the Events tab, you may have noticed the Event Viewer view in the lower-left corner is displaying the Fire_IceGem_Player Event you created earlier. There you see your Fire_IceGem_Player Event is indicating that it is missing associated actions and therefore isn’t doing anyone any good.

  1. Click the Fire_IceGem_Player [Missing] Event in the Event Viewer.

    The Fire_IceGem_Player Event Property Editor is displayed showing two empty panes. This is where you indicate what Action you want to have happen when Wwise receives the Fire_IceGem_Player Event from the game engine.

  2. Click the Add >> button found in the lower-left area of the Event Property Editor.

    A list of possible actions is displayed. As you can see, there are a lot of options, but all you need for now is the first option – Play.

  3. Select Play from the Action list.

    The play action is added, but the action's Target column indicates that there is no object being referenced.


    If you do not see the Target column in the left pane, then drag the border between the two panes in the Event Property Editor to the right until the Target column is displayed.

    Now you need to indicate that you want to play the IceGem_Blast Sound SFX object that you created in the previous exercise.

  4. Drag the IceGem_Blast Sound SFX object from the Project Explorer to the Target column in the action list.


    To save a step you can drag an object to an empty position in the action list and it will automatically add it with a Play action.

    You’ve now connected the Fire_IceGem_Player Event to the IceGem_Blast SFX Object. Wwise lets you simulate what will happen in the game by allowing you to play not just Sound SFX objects, but also the Events themselves. Playing the Fire_IceGem_Player event should trigger the ice blast sound. Before you can do this, you need to make sure that the Fire_IceGem_Player Event is visible in the Transport Control view.

  5. Look at the title bar of the Transport Control view and verify that it says Fire_IceGem_Player. If it doesn’t, click the Fire_IceGem_Player event in the Event Viewer.

  6. In the Transport Control view, click the play button or press the spacebar.

    You should hear the ice blast, confirming that the Fire_IceGem_Player Event is linked to the IceGem_Blast sound you imported earlier.

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