Adriane Kuzminski
Producer - Team Audio
Adriane is a sound designer with a passion for accessibility and collaboration. This has led her to work on blind-accessible games and apps like A Hero’s Call, Frequency Missing, Earplay and others, and serve as an accessibility consultant for companies like imitone LLC and The Deep End Games. She has also spoken about her research in blind accessibility in video games at GameSoundCon, GAconf, CarouselCon and MIGS, and she has donated countless hours to advising developers and educators who are looking to learn more about accessibility by sharing her research and getting them in touch with gamers and sound designers with visual impairments. She is currently a Producer with Team Audio, a Content Creator with A Sound Effect/Soundlister, a leading Volunteer Council member with The Audio Mentoring Project, a collaborator with the Game Accessibility SIG, and a Drill Sergeant Training NCO in the U.S. Army Reserves.

For more information, you can check out her LinkedIn profile and her website: If you’d like to get in touch, you can email her at adriane (at) smashclay (dot) com or message her on Twitter.

1 article by this author

Game Audio
Sound Design