Lesson 2

Table of Contents

Randomizing Properties

Beyond randomizing sound selection, in Wwise you can randomize the value of nearly every property that can affect your sounds, such as volume, filters, and pitch. This, in combination with randomizing sound selection, makes for an even greater variety of sound, without adding to the amount of memory needed at runtime.

The Randomizer button is found to the left of a property's value, and looks like a small gray circle with a squiggly line through it.

You’ll further modify the Gems Breaking by slightly randomizing the pitch of the recordings.

  1. In the Gems Breaking Property Editor, double-click the Randomizer icon for the Pitch property.

    The Randomizer window opens, displaying an Enable check box as well as settings for minimum and maximum values. To hear any change that you’re about to make, you’ll need to first enable randomization for the pitch property.

  2. Click the Enable check box.

    Notice that the Randomizer icon for the Pitch property has turned orange, indicating that randomization is now active. Although randomization is technically activated, you won’t hear any difference until you modify the Min/Max values. These Min/Max values are the range of relative offset values that center around the value set in the UI for the property. In the case of pitch, the value is expressed as cents. There are 100 cents of pitch per musical half step and a total of 1200 cents per octave.

  3. Enter -150 and 150 into the Min and Max fields, respectively.

    Now, every time a gem breaking sound is played, the pitch will be anywhere between 150 cents below or above the pitch that the sound was recorded at.

  4. Play the Gems Breaking Random Container multiple times and notice the variation in the pitch each time it’s played, then close the Pitch Randomizer window.

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